Howto completly delete a user from samba/ldap
Erik - versatel
2012-08-04 10:58:03 UTC

I'm using debian 6.0 with latest updates (dd 3-aug-2012) and samba 3.5.6
I have created a samba configuration and used samba by example as an
and also read a lot in the samba howto.
I build the samba with ldap configuration.

I did have some problems when i created the users, proberly a firewall or
security problem.
For these users there was no PROFILE created in /profiles/u%

I have made a few modifications:


2) C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\LMHOSTS

x.x.x.x srv.example.com

x.x.x.x example.com

3)"Configuratiescherm -> Systeembeheer -> Lokaal beveiligingsbeleid ->
Lokaal beleid -> Beveiliginsopties"

1) Lid van domein: geen systeemonderhoud van wachtwoord van
computeraccount --> 0
2) Lid van domein: gegevens in beveiligd kanaal digitaal coderen (indien
mogelijk) --> 0
3) Lid van domein: gegevens in beveiligd kanaal digitaal coderen of
ondertekenen (altijd) --> 0
4) Lid van domein: gegevens in beveiligd kanaal digitaal ondertekenen
(indien mogelijk) --> 0
5) Lid van domein: sterke sessiesleutel verplicht (win 2000 of hoger) --> 0

Changed workgroup
Changed workgroup to domain

Added the XP-computer succesfully to the domain.

Created a NEW user.

created dir profile/KEES

created dir profdata profile/KEES and subdirs (Recent, MyDocuments etc)

changed owner and mod attrib (CHMOD CHOWN)

smbldap-useradd -a -m KEES

smbpasswd KEES

I logged in on the XP_computer with user KEES.

I logged out and the profile is written in the profile directory

My problem is:

I have some old users who dont have a userprofile (ROMING PROFILE)

I have looked in groups, passwd and shadow if there are some reference to
this users but found nothing.

I have deleted the users:

smbldap-userdel -r erik

smbpasswd -x erik

I have deleted the samba homedirs, unix homedirs, profiledir an profdatadir.

I rebuid the profiledir and profdatadirs

added the user

smbpasswd-add -m -a erik

smbpasswd erik

logged in with the windows client

but when i log off there is no profile in profiles/erik

I want to have also for this user an roaming profile

I see 3 solutions

Here they are in order of best to worst:

1) to completely delete the user, so that when added, it is seen as a
completely new user and a profile is created.

this solution could than also be followed when the profile is corrupted !

2) copy the profile from KEES to ERIK and edit the profile - but how?

3) completely remove samba and ldap and rebuild the confuguration and

I dont like this sollution because profiles can also get corrupted and
then ....

Please help me.

I have read a lot about samba and profiles, but i did not find a good

